
Julio R avatar image
Julio R asked Julio R commented

Problem with wait for event

I'm working on a logic and is working fine except for a little detail.

First, a tote is created and transported to a conveyor, where it travels to a Decision Point where it stops, is filled with a random number of items (duniform) and continues to the next point where the cycle repeats.

The cycle is finish when there is no more Decision Point. Until this all works fine.

There is a condition where if the box is filled beyond a certain number, the tote is placed in a second conveyor and the operator goes for another tote and continues in the next decision point. The problem here is that the tote stops one Decision Point before is supposed to, but the strange thing is that the reference for the decision point (called estacion) works fine, because the objects being picked are on the right rack.

Here is the model:


FlexSim 17.2.0
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process flowwait for eventconveyor decision point
pickingexample.fsm (50.2 KiB)
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1 Answer

Jordan Johnson avatar image
Jordan Johnson answered Julio R commented

Are you on 17.2.1? There was a bug with the Wait for Event, that was fixed from 17.2.0.

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