
Samantha Y avatar image
Samantha Y asked Matthew Gillespie edited

Can Flexsim used for simulating a garden, say the people flow or people moving?

I am currently working on a project about a public green rest garden for citizens to play around and get relax. There may have a mini cafe, some seats, mini parks for children to play and with greens trees.

I am wondering if I can use Flexsim to simulate the green garden, to know a optimal scenario. Maybe to understand how the facilities places in the garden is the best? Or maybe which combination of facilities add in the garden is the best? May you suggest any ideas that I can use for the simulation? Is that possible to know the best case for the people moving around or the people flow?

Thanks a lot.

people flowperson flow
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Joerg Vogel avatar image Joerg Vogel commented ·

I have seen a similar simulation by Talumis for an Airport. Talumis is a distributor of Flexsim. They call this PersonFlow. Maybe you have to contact them directly.

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Samantha Y avatar image Samantha Y Joerg Vogel commented ·

It seems that "Reducing waiting times for patients" was the main goal for the Airport project, but in my project there are no "waiting time" as it is a garden for rest and relax. Does this possible?

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Phil BoBo avatar image Phil BoBo ♦♦ Samantha Y commented ·

Then what is "best"?

Reducing waiting times for the mini cafe, the seats, etc. seems like an objective way to determine what is "best."

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1 Answer

Phil BoBo avatar image
Phil BoBo answered Phil BoBo edited

Yes, FlexSim can be used for this type of visualization of people movement within a facility, such as a public green rest garden.

As Jörg pointed out, this type of visualization is similar to an airport simulation, as seen in this video of an airport simulation model developed by Talumis.

"May you suggest any ideas that I can use for the simulation?"

Create a 3D representation of your facility with objects in the 3D model view, and then use ProcessFlow to create people in the model that travel around and utilize the various locations in the facility (ProcessFlow resources).

"Is that possible to know the best case for the people moving around or the people flow?"

You need to define what is "the best case" and then develop simulations to compare different scenarios and determine what is best. "Best" is a subjective measure.

You could use the same inputs of people amounts and behavior with different scenarios of facility layouts and resource quantities to determine whether one solution is better than another.

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