
Chris Smith avatar image
Chris Smith asked Jordan Johnson commented

Optimizer CPU cores usage question


I am running an optimization on a machine with 50 cores. When I start the optimization it uses all the cores but over time it uses fewer and fewer cores until after the first 1000 solutions it is using around 3 cores. Is this a known issue?

FlexSim 17.2.1
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1 Answer

Jordan Johnson avatar image
Jordan Johnson answered Jordan Johnson commented

Do the replications run quickly? One thing I have seen is that, as the number of completed runs increases, OptQuest does more and more sorting/decision making to get the next solution on the list. This means it can't create solutions as fast as the cores could handle them. In general, the first few cores tend to do most of the work.

If the replications take 30 seconds or more to run, this might not be the issue. I would have to dig in deeper, and see if there is a bug.

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