
christophe C2 avatar image
christophe C2 asked christophe C2 edited

How to transport one type of batch per travel ?


My model begin with some piece into each stock. 10 piece in the stock 1, 20 piece in the stock 2.

I want that my transporter take the 10 piece of the stock 1 to the linked queue. And then, go back to the stock 2 and bring the 20 piece to the other line.

And continue like this, each time 10 piece arrive on the stock 1, and each time an other batch arrives in the stock 2.

Is it possible to do that without process flow?

I’ve test different possibilities, and here are my problems.

If I’ve set up “perform batching” on each stock, the transporter fill each peace one by one at each line and make a trajectory between each stock.

To avoid this, I set up an small different arrive time into each source and put the max capacity of the transporter at 50.

Like this, the transporter load all the item by batch and delivers them into one travel.. and I want two travel.

Hope I’m clear…

Thanks in advance!

FlexSim 17.2.2
transportertransportbatch processingtransporter batch transport
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Joerg Vogel avatar image
Joerg Vogel answered christophe C2 edited

Transporter Flow tab: Break to: Same Loadstation and adjusting the max capacity variable depending on the batch size of the queue will do what you want. If you use a dispatcher, the dispatcher must organize the amount of tasksequences the transporter gets. When the loading tasksequences are complete the dispatcher closes the input of the transporter. The transporter must look for tasksequences in the dispatcher he is connected to in the break to function.

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christophe C2 avatar image christophe C2 commented ·

@Jörg Vogel Thanks for your previews answer.

I try to use this technique and it doesn't work. There is something i do wrong i think.

In the attached model, I've added a dispacher and a second transporter. I use "same loadstation" for each transporter. I've also adapt my different batch size and max capacity but my transporter doesn't perform good.

I want that each transporter deliver the full batch quantity in one travel (and i also want that the dispacher distribute the travel depending the availability..)

Any idea why ? flexsim-model-dispatcher-batch-transporter.fsm

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Joerg Vogel avatar image Joerg Vogel christophe C2 commented ·

You are looking in the Break to function in the taskexecuter for the queued tasksequences. But they are in the dispatcher. You have to change the reference to the dispatcher.

@christophe C2

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christophe C2 avatar image christophe C2 Joerg Vogel commented ·

I have several issues with my transporter in a different linked model.problem-transporter-v1-autosave.fsm

I set up 3 productions lines which are refill of pieces depending of the produced quantities.

I manage this system with different conditional triggers and some raw material stock and intermediate stock on the lines.

I want that my transporter (managed by a dispatcher) refill each line by only one travel.

I try to use and set up the recommendations here (@Jörg Vogel), but there are still some issues.

As you can see, the transporter don’t take the whole batch in one travel… there are still 2-3 pieces on the RM stock.. so they make two travel instead of one, which is not good.

Secondly, if you check when the transporter have to refill the “grindings” line, the two transporters travel, instead of one. And they also don’t take directly the good quantity...

(I’ve change the “break to” of each transporter, and set up some batch size and max capacity..)

Someone can help me to figure out those problems ?

Thanks in advance

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José Antonio MD avatar image
José Antonio MD answered christophe C2 commented

I'm not sure if this can help you.

If I understand your question you can use a combiner and then a separator.


answer.fsm (21.0 KiB)
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christophe C2 avatar image christophe C2 commented ·

Thanks for you answer! but i have nothing in you model ...

Anyway, I would like to fin a solution without adding elements into my model. I want to use this technique into a bigger model with few line and it wouldn't be representative to have combiners and seperator ...

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