
Ana Ta avatar image
Ana Ta asked Ana Ta answered

access to the token


How can I access to the token of an activity and release it to another activity?

I have used the gettokens function, but it doesn't give me the token in the activity while there is a token in the activity.


FlexSim 17.2.1
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Kari Payton avatar image Kari Payton commented ·

@Ana Ta have you tried using preemption? If not here's an example.

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Ana Ta avatar image Ana Ta Kari Payton commented ·


Thanks for your answer. Actually, with gettokens, I can have access to any token in any activity except for the activity Travel for AGV. I want to have access to the tokens in the activity Travel and release them when a certain condition satisfied while the AGV didn't even arrive to the final destination that I have precised in the activity Travel.

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Matt Long avatar image Matt Long Ana Ta commented ·

@Ana Ta,

Can you share your model so we can see what you're doing?

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Jeff Nordgren avatar image Jeff Nordgren commented ·
@Ana Ta

Did you get your question answered or do you still need more help?


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Jeff Nordgren avatar image Jeff Nordgren Jeff Nordgren commented ·
@Ana Ta

Did you get your question answered? Or can you do as @Matt Long suggested and send in your model so that we can see what is going on in the model?


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1 Answer

Ana Ta avatar image
Ana Ta answered

@Jeff Nordgren Hello,
Yes, I could solve my problem. I don't know why I cannot see my previous reply to your comment. I have actually used gettokens function and I was able to release the tokens. Thanks a lot for your support.

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