
William Proctor avatar image
William Proctor asked Arun Kr answered

Can I Query the Model File Name?

I would like to take the file name of the model being run and copy it into a table. This will enable me to identify the results of an experiment against the specific model used when running the experiment. Is there a way to identify the model file name and place it into a global table? Otherwise, I would just have the user manually type in the model name.

global tableexport
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1 Answer

Arun Kr avatar image
Arun Kr answered

Hi William Proctor,

Here's a quick code.

 string modeldirectorypath = modeldir;
int StrLengthmodeldirectorypath = modeldirectorypath.length;
string ModelPath = views().find("environment/modelpath").value;
int StrLengthModelPath = ModelPath.length;
string ModelName = ModelPath.slice(StrLengthmodeldirectorypath + 1,StrLengthModelPath -3 );
Table("GlobalTable1")[1][1] = ModelName;


Arun KR

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