
Tiffany Pecson avatar image
Tiffany Pecson asked Tiffany Pecson commented

Call Bell Interrupt

I'm creating a model based around the CNA (certified nurse assistant) tasks and I'd like to create a call bell interrupt. I have data of how often and the most frequent times that they get call bells going off and I want to incorporate it into the model somehow. I saw that there is an Interrupt tool, but it looks like its only used for machines, is it possible to use it based on the beds? I'd like the specific CNA assigned to go to that room and it'll be a process time of triangular(2,3,20). Or would it be better to use a Global Process? If I use the Global Process, how can I have call bells go off for different rooms?

FlexSim HC 5.3.2
global processesresponse timecall bellrandom interrupt
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1 Answer

Cliff King avatar image
Cliff King answered Tiffany Pecson commented

I supppose it might be possible to accomplish your goal by applying Random Interrupts to the staff, but I can see a lot of challenges with that approach. I like the idea of using a Global Process, or maybe even a separate Global Process (or at least separate activities within one global process). If you have a lot of room options, then maybe you wouldn't want to create so many activities/processes and would prefer to use a single activity with logic to randomly choose a room (Staff Destination) that the staff needs to go to. I'd be happy to put an example together for you if you'd like more assistance. Just let me know.

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