
Tiffany Pecson avatar image
Tiffany Pecson asked Matthew Gillespie edited

Path Size of Barriers/Dividers

Is there a way to make the size of the barrier or divider thinner? It looks like it could possibly be an option, but it doesn't allow me to change it.

FlexSim 18.0.0
astar navigatordividerbarrierpath weight
5 |100000

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1 Answer

Matthew Gillespie avatar image
Matthew Gillespie answered Matthew Gillespie edited

You can resize barriers in both directions, but dividers can only be lengthened.

Divider Width

Dividers are actually razor thin. Their draw size is based on the node spacing setting of the AStar navigator, but that width doesn't really mean anything in the model - it just makes it more visible.

Picture 1 - The divider is between columns 2 and 3, and thus, people can't cross from points in column 2 to 3 or from 3 to 2.

Picture 2 - The divider is on top of column 3, however it's really just a razor thin line down the middle that is still between columns 2 and 3, so people still can't cross from points in column 2 to 3 or from 3 to 2. The grid is exactly the same in pictures 1 and 2.

Picture 3 - The divider is now between columns 3 and 4, and thus, people can't cross from points in column 3 to 4 or from 4 to 3.

In the end, you just have to look at the grid to see what the divider is doing to grid nodes. The point of dividers is to block travel between pairs of nodes, and thus are just a thin line with no area. Barriers can have area, and thus can block out entire nodes.

Path Weight

The path weight is an option for Preferred paths only. It's a measure of how "preferred" the path is over other paths. Setting this value appropriately lets you define longer routes that appear "shorter" than the actual shortest path. So, not really what you're looking for.

dividers.png (12.3 KiB)
5 |100000

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