Hi, I made a process flow of 3 main entities: plant, warehouse, and customer. The plant supplies products to warehouse with delay = 1 day. Meanwhile, customers order directly to warehouse (no delay). I used a list for representing the warehouse, thus corresponding push and pull activities are required to and from the list.
I wonder what will happen if for example at time = 1 (in day) there are some products need to be pushed to the list. At the same time, there are some orders need to be satisfied. Because both activities have the same simulation time, how FlexSim simulates these two activities? Which one will be run first?
I intend to create a sequence within a day. First, in the morning products from the plant arrives. Then in the afternoon, order comes and warehouse satisfies this request. And in the end of the day, inventory level is checked.
Do you have any tricks to model such a sequence within a day? Or how to manage the occurrence of some activities on the same day? Because in the end, it will affect the performance of system. Thanks