
Damodaran Moturu G avatar image
Damodaran Moturu G asked Damodaran Moturu G commented

Force release flow items from processor


In my model, I have processor with capacity 20 and process time has a distribution. The need here is to force release randomly selected 5 flowitems (that are still in process) from the processor for every 30 mins and send them to different port.


FlexSim 18.0.0
processorflowitemrelease item
5 |100000

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1 Answer

Axel Kohonen avatar image
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Axel Kohonen answered Damodaran Moturu G commented

Hi @Damodaran Moturu G

See the attached model for a possible solution using the releaseitem function. To choose the items to release randomly you would check if there are more than 5 items and then for example use duniform(1, amount of items left in processor) to pick the next item.

Hope this helps!


demorelease.fsm (18.0 KiB)
· 1
5 |100000

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Damodaran Moturu G avatar image Damodaran Moturu G commented ·

Lovely!!! Thanks a lot for the help :)

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