
andrew S avatar image
andrew S asked andrew S commented

any suggestions on VR or AR integration with flexsim

FlexSim 17.2.4
vr and ar
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Ben Wilson avatar image Ben Wilson ♦♦ commented ·

@andrew S, please offer more details. Are you having trouble getting a VR set up to work? Are you wondering why you might want to use VR? Are you looking for examples of how VR has been used with FlexSim by other users?

Please elaborate on your question.

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andrew S avatar image andrew S commented ·

Yes, to both of these:

Are you wondering why you might want to use VR? Are you looking for examples of how VR has been used with FlexSim by other users?

And what is the benefit? Have not set up a VR, but would like to.


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1 Answer

Ben Wilson avatar image
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Ben Wilson answered andrew S commented

Hi @andrew S,

You cannot use VR when building a simulation. You need a keyboard and a mouse for production. VR is only good for viewing/interacting with a completed model.

Some possible applications where VR can benefit:

  • Attention grabber - VR might get more people to a trade show booth or to a presentation. There is definitely a "wow" factor with VR, especially if it is your first time trying it.
  • Communication - show someone what it would truly be like to stand on the new factory floor layout, viewing the new schedule, whatever. Offers a more first-person perspective than just showing your model to someone on your computer's screen. May help make a point, make a sale, win an argument, get buy-in or approval, etc.
  • Interaction - you can program controls that alter the behavior of the simulation in some way. This could be useful for training, communication, "wow" factor, etc.

Those are some of the easy-to-think-of use cases. Hopefully the community will chime in with some others, maybe with some concrete examples.

Here at FlexSim, we've mostly used it as an Attention grabber. Based on questions that others have asked on the forum, it's safe to say some organizations are pursuing some of the other use-cases as well.

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andrew S avatar image andrew S commented ·

thanks for your comments, I would like to setup a conference call to dscuss in more detail.


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