
Jason Merschat avatar image
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Jason Merschat asked Matthew Gillespie commented

How to look up a Table Value using Headers?

I am trying to use token labels to find a value in a table. The token has the correct row label but it is being used as a number and not a string to find the value. See the picture attached please. You can see that the Row Header has the sought row value available and the label produced the correct value based on the error in the system console. The prescripted module for using the table converts it to a string type so I wonder what the issue can be?

FlexSim 18.0.1
global tablelookuprow header
5 |100000

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1 Answer

Matthew Gillespie avatar image
Matthew Gillespie answered Matthew Gillespie commented

Oh, your row headers are numbers! It's getting confused because you can specify a specific row using either the row number or the row header name. If you pass it a number it will look for that row number, whereas passing it a text value will cause it to look for that row header. However you're passing it a number and wanting it to look for a header that has the text value of that number. You need to use the string.fromNum() method to convert your number into a string:

  1. string.fromNum(token.lbl_Material)
· 4
5 |100000

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