
emiliano S avatar image
emiliano S asked Joerg Vogel edited

i wolud like to simulate an AGV

i wolud like to simulate an AGV that load in a point A and than unload in a point B, than it goes to load in point C and unload in a point D. It must return follwed points D,C,B,A . Thanks!

FlexSim 18.0.2
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Joerg Vogel avatar image
Joerg Vogel answered Joerg Vogel edited

You have done already the work. Just translate this into a ProcessFlow and insert conditions when there is something to load or to unload at the network nodes. It is like you have decribed: travel to Network Node A, check if there is something to load, - load it or do nothing -, travel to Network Node B, unload the item if it is on the AGV, travel to Network Node C, check if there is something to load, - load it or do nothing -, travel to Network node D, check if there is some content on the AGV, - unload the content -, travel in the sequence over the Network Nodes C, B to A and start again.

You can model this in ProcessFlow or you use the OnArrival triggers in Network Nodes. There you create a Tasksequence depending on the Network Edge number the traveler is going to or coming from. This Tasksequence contains the load or unload tasks and always a travel task to the next Network Node.

The basic source code structure of a new tasksequence consists of creating a tasksequence node and dispatching the sequence:

treenode ts = createemptytasksequence(traveler, priority number value, PREEMPT_value);

The node ts, which you creates here, stores the different tasks the taskexecuter has to do in sequence. You inserts these tasks by the command inserttask( node of the sequence[here ts], TASKTYPE_[TRAVEL,LOAD or UNLOAD], involved reference one , and reference two if needed, and other numerical parameters). Please look in the manual to find the information, which parameters or references you have to set.

The created sequence is pushed into execution by the following command.


And please keep in mind, when you have a question how to accomplish a step in your model, come back and ask again.

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Steven Hamoen avatar image
Steven Hamoen answered

@emiliano S This forum is not here to create your models. Please try first and then come back with your attempts and where you failed.

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