
Damodaran Moturu G avatar image
Damodaran Moturu G asked Ben Wilson commented

Webserver unable to get response from the flexsim instance


I have installed flexsim 18.0 runtime in a no internet server. I have also installed webserver. When I try to access flexsim models with webserver (run as admin), the webserver is getting stuck at 'Starting new instance' busy screen. While it is successfully starting a new instance of flexsim, it is unable to get the response back from flexsim. I'm getting the below error message in system console:

exception: FlexSim 2018Save before exiting? exception: FlexScript exception: MAIN:/project/exec/globals/serverinterface/sendreply the nodefunction called by httpgetquery did not call httpsendreply

I tried Q&A related to this issue but no direct solution. Please help in resolving this issue. While this is working without any issue in my laptop, it doesn't work in the server.



FlexSim 18.0.0
webserver not working
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1 Answer

Jacob Gillespie avatar image
Jacob Gillespie answered Ben Wilson commented

The system console message means that MAIN:/project/exec/globals/serverinterface/sendreply is not calling webcommand("httpsendreply",replynode); due to an exception.

I'm not sure what would be causing the exception.

The reason the webserver is getting stuck at 'Starting new instance' busy screen is because it asks FlexSim for a screenshot of the 3d view in order to determine if FlexSim was able to get an openGL context. For some reason you are getting an exception while it is doing this.

You could put some print statements in MAIN:/project/exec/globals/serverinterface/queryhandlers/screenshot and open a model with the output console open to see how far the script gets.

What kind of FlexSim licence are you using? Does this server have a graphics card?

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Damodaran Moturu G avatar image Damodaran Moturu G commented ·

Hi @Jacob Gillespie,

Thanks for taking time to help me out. Answers for your questions below:

I have Flexsim v.18 1-seat runtime license. This server does not have graphics card.

I'm unable to carry out your instruction as I'm unable to find the serverinterface option in the model tree. Screenshot attached.

Please advise. Thanks.


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flexsimerror.png (16.5 KiB)
Damodaran Moturu G avatar image Damodaran Moturu G commented ·

Hi @Jacob Gillespie @Ben Wilson

Is there a technical support number that i can contact to look into this issue? This issue with webserver is stalling my deployment. Would request for help urgently.


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Damodaran Moturu G avatar image Damodaran Moturu G commented ·
@Jacob Gillespie

Hi. Back to your question on graphics card, the server has VMware svga 3D. Does that help?

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