
Roi Sánchez avatar image
Roi Sánchez asked Roi Sánchez commented

Load and Unload with one hand

Hello all,

Is there a way to perform loading and unloading task with just one hand of an operator?

Thanks all.

FlexSim 18.0.3
animationscustom operator animation sequencecustomize loading and unloading taks
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1 Answer

Cliff King avatar image
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Cliff King answered Roi Sánchez commented

Right-click on an operator and select Edit > Animations... and you will see the following window.

Take a look at the currently available animations associated with an operator. Are there any that will suffice? If not, you can add your own animations (see

Starting and stopping non standard animations at the correct times during a simulation will be your next challenge. This is most easily accomplished using Process Flow activities to control your operator's tasks and animations.

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