
Sebastian Hemmann avatar image
Sebastian Hemmann asked Phil BoBo commented

Reasons for no Connection to the OPC servers?

Hey, attached

you see a screenshot in which the System console Shows an

exception: getAvailableServers() error. Could not browse OPC Servers. Service may not be installed or could not connect to remote ip.

As you can see, it´s a test with an Express Version of FlexSim. The Client tryed this out some weeks ago on one machine and everything worked fine. Now it seems to be the only Computer in the company this works on.

So what could we have done wrong? What could be a reasons for this "Exception"?

What could be settings that we´ve set right on the working Computer?

FlexSim 18.1.1
opc-error.png (112.7 KiB)
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1 Answer

Matt Long avatar image
Matt Long answered Phil BoBo commented

Did you install 64-bit FlexSim? We've found an issue with trying to browse for available servers (at least locally) when using 64-bit FlexSim. It only seems to be an issue with browsing, not connecting to servers or browsing their tags. We're currently working with Softing OPC who developed the OPC toolkit that FlexSim uses to try and solve this issue. For now, the solution is either to use 32-bit FlexSim (uninstall and reinstall FlexSim), or to get the path/name of the OPC server from a 32-bit FlexSim and copy it into the Server field in the 64-bit version.

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