
Thomas H3 avatar image
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Thomas H3 asked Joshua S commented

Split item based on multiple labels

split-based-on-multiple-labels.fsmModel description:

My line produces parts in batches of 100 items.
Multiple processors in line that produce parts and based on yield generate NOK parts and OK parts. To reduce computing power 1 flow item represents 100. At the end of the line I want to split the NOK items into the NOK box at the machine. At each processor I have code that asserts two labels, one for the amount of OK parts are remaining and one for the amount of NOK parts created at that process step.

So at the separator I receive a flowitem that has for instance the labels: OrderSize =100, OK = 83, NOK_Processor1 = 6, NOK_Processor2 = 11.

Now I want the separator to split that 1 item into 83 OK, 6 NOK_Processor1 and 11 NOK_Processor2.

The 3 different components need to send to different sink nodes afterwards.

Can anyone help with this?

FlexSim 17.1.6
split item flow based on quantitysplit based on recipe
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1 Answer

Joshua S avatar image
Joshua S answered Joshua S commented

Is this what you are looking for? I disconnected the sinks, then created a certain amount of objects based on the label into each sink specified by the label. 12616-split-based-on-multiple-labels.fsm

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