
Julian Sundermeier avatar image
Julian Sundermeier asked Julian Sundermeier commented

Pull Strategy with logical AND

Hi everyone,

In my model, I want to realize a material flow using the pull strategy. There are 3 processors that change a label on the flowitem using the "OnProcessFinish"-trigger.


The pull strategy for processor 1 ensures that it only pull items whose label "test1" does not have the value 1. After working the item, the "OnProcessFinish" trigger sets the value of the label "test1" to 1 so that the item can no longer be pulled from Processor 1.

I did the same thing with the other processors using the labels "test2" for processor 2 and "test3" for processor 3.

Now there is a problem with my pull strategy, after I shortened the process time of processor 2:

Processor 2 now also pulls items whose label "test1" has the value 0 because a logical AND link is missing, which ensures that only items are pulled, where the label "test1" has the value 1 and the label "test2" has the value 0.

I hope you understand my problem and may have a solution for it.

Remark: For academic reasons, I have to work with version 7.3.6


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pull strategylogical and
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tannerp avatar image tannerp commented ·

Here's an example model where I set only one label, "test," and then had each processor change that label value using the OnProcessFinish trigger.

So, to break this down, when the item enters Queue4 it has a label called "test" with value 1. Processor1 pulls items with "test" label value of 1.

The OnProcessFinish trigger in Processor1 changes the label value to 2.

This allows Processor2 to pull the item, change its value to 3, and send it to Processor3 and so on.

This is probably the simplest way to do this model without having to use Process Flow or embed code.

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Julian Sundermeier avatar image Julian Sundermeier tannerp commented ·

Unfortunately, this variant does not solve my problem as I need it. But @david.seo has already helped me successfully. Thanks anyway!

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1 Answer

David Seo avatar image
David Seo answered Julian Sundermeier commented

@Julian Sundermeier

You can set the pull requirement to 'return (getlabelnum(item,"test1") == 1 && getlabelnum(item,labelname) == value); '

This script can solve your issue.

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Julian Sundermeier avatar image Julian Sundermeier commented ·

Okay thankfully it was easier then i expected.

Thanks for your quick reply!

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