
Chun-Ju C avatar image
Chun-Ju C asked tannerp commented

Question about "Use Transport"

As the photo show,

after product go to the processor from each queue, it will be sent to the other three queue by percentage,

and I want to set a lower bound and upper bound that I can let the queue that its products excess upper bound throw product to the queue that its products are below lower bound.

so I want to set dispatcher to solve this event, only when one queue need to throw product to another queue, and I want to "use transport" only when this event happen,

but when I select "use transport", queue to queue and queue to processor both have operators transport, I just want operators transport only when queue to queue.

FlexSim 18.1.0
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1 Answer

Joshua S avatar image
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Joshua S answered

You can use conditional transport, this option is found in the drop down options as shown in the picture below.

pic1.png (22.9 KiB)
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