
Varun Rawal avatar image
Varun Rawal asked Varun Rawal commented

Use 2 transporter to pick a specific quantity from a same queue based on avail.

Please find my model. I was able to reach and create two transporters to pick 4 pallets from the queue.

However, as you see I want my other task executor (Tcar21) to be acquired soon the prior is transporting items. What I was thinking is to use a decision point in process flow so that which ever task executor it is i.e Tcar 1 or Tcar 21 it would send tokens to the ports accordingly. However, I want to acquire the second Tcar i.e Tcar 21 soon the first one gets loaded and is travelling to the other direction, and use Tcar21 to load another 4 pallets and transport it to the other end and so on

Also Can I load 4 items together as one batch? and how? Do i just load the whole queue containing 4 pallets? or is there another way.

Thanks in advancejcagvsingle-002.fsm

FlexSim 18.1.1
process flow tasksequenceload multiple itemtask executor dispatching strategies
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1 Answer

Joshua S avatar image
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Joshua S answered Sumana P edited

Is this what you are looking for? I simplified it a little, but kept the basic design.13311-jcagvsingle-002.fsm

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