
Gavin Douglas avatar image
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Gavin Douglas asked Gavin Douglas commented

Using multiple groups when batching

Right now i'm batching tokens and grouping them by a label value. So using the batch activity in process flow I have specified a label value ("token.lot") in the group by parameter space. I want to group them by another label value as well. Is it possible?

FlexSim 18.1.1
batching grouping
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1 Answer

samuel.p avatar image
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samuel.p answered Gavin Douglas commented

Hey Gavin,

You could combine both labels into a new label before the batch activity - use this new label as the group by - and then deleting the new label after the batch.

For example if you wanted to group by these two labels:

Label Name Value
type 1
lot 57

You could convert the label values into the string "type1lot57" and assign it to a new label (named "typelot") using:

token.typelot = "type" + string.fromNum(token.type) + "lot" + string.fromNum(token.lot);

Hope this helps!

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