
Junwoo Kim avatar image
Junwoo Kim asked Mischa Spelt answered

Adding FloWorks Modeling Objects onto Library


I am trying to use third party modeling objects, called FloWorks.

After installation of FloWorks, I expected that the FloWorks objects would automatically appear on the Library pane, but this is not.

Could you explain how to import the installed FloWorks objects in FlexSim?


FlexSim 17.1.6
FloWorksthird party 3d objects
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Mischa Spelt avatar image
Mischa Spelt answered

As @david.seo already helpfully mentioned, you should use a FloWorks version compatible with your FlexSim version. The first two version numbers should match, so if you are using FlexSim 17.1.x, then any FloWorks version starting with 17.1 should work.

To find them, go to the Download section of your account and go to the 3rd party modules tab. Then click "More Versions" to expand the list of FloWorks versions, and find the latest version for FlexSim 2017 Update 1 (it will be 2017.1.3).

Also, make sure that you pick the right processor architecture: if you FlexSim is 32-bits, download the 32-bit installer (FloWorks_17.1.3.1586_x86.msi). If you have 64-bits FlexSim - which is the most likely version - download the 64-bit instlaler (FloWorks_17.1.3.1586_x64.msi).

If this still does not work, can you make sure that the installer ran correctly? Go to your FlexSim directory (by default it is C:\Program Files\FlexSim 2017 Update 1 for 64-bit installations and C:\Program Files (x86)\FlexSim 2017 Update 1 for 32-bit installations) and then in the modules subdirectory you should find a folder FloWorks.

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David Seo avatar image
David Seo answered David Seo edited

@Jun Woo K

FloWorks module should be matched with FlexSim version installed in your PC.

Which version FlexSim is installed in your PC?

If you installed FlowWorks 18.1.1 version, you should use FlexSim update 1 version. If you use FlexSim 2017 update 2, you should install FloWorks 17.2.0 also.

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