
Ludovic S avatar image
Ludovic S asked Jeff Nordgren edited

How can I let a queue fill up and then transfer it to inventory?


I am currently working on a (Q,r) inventory model. I would like to have that the machine works in batches (it processes Q items sequentially, and transfers them all at once to the inventory). I was thinking to implement this through inserting a queue behind the first processor. I would let the queue fill up until it reaches Q units and then let it transfer the content immediately to the inventory?

Is this possible? I tried it but it doesn't work. I attached the model below

Kind regards

FlexSim 18.2.0
qr.fsm (25.1 KiB)
5 |100000

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1 Answer

tannerp avatar image
tannerp answered Jeff Nordgren edited

@Ludovic S, Here's an example of using a queue for batching before sending items into an inventory: batching-with-queue.fsm

In order to have a queue perform batching like this, you will select "Perform Batching" in the Queue Properties window. You can enter a batch size here, as well as set up a maximum wait time in case the content requirement is not met within a desired amount of time.

5 |100000

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