
Andy avatar image
Andy asked Andy commented

Resource available Sub Flow

Hi! I'm using 2 cranes and 2 operator as Shared Assets to work on 6 stations. And I'm using a Sub Flow to check if they're available. How could I write the logic to make this decision in the follwing sub flow?

Is the a better way to use this resources only when they have finished their previous Tasks and are available?

FlexSim 18.2.0
process flowsubflowresourcescranessub flow
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1 Answer

tannerp avatar image
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tannerp answered Andy commented

Oh, I think I see what you're asking now. The token will not be able to acquire a resource until a resource is available. That's already built in to the software. So, for example, if I have one operator with many tokens wanting to acquire it, the tokens will wait until he is available before they acquire him.

Summary: Unless you are wanting to divert to an alternate set of tasks or an alternate resource, you don't need to check for availability of a resource because the tokens will wait anyway.

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