Good morning!
I'm having trouble adquiring a specific Resource from a group when I call it from a common subflow.
Right now I have 3 stations, 2 operators and 1 crane.
- Station 1 and 2 --> Operator1 (after he finishes all his Tasks in Station1 he starts working on station2)
- Station 3 --> Operator2 (he stays there all the time)
I have a token for each operator and tokens for each Item Type (there's a different type in each station)
I have a sub flow (with coordinated Tasks) that helps the respective Operator work together with the crane during some Tasks in the station (because Items represent heavy assemblies).
That's why both operators use the same Sub Flow (for the ONLY available crane). Right now I managed to change dyamically the ItemsType, Origins and Destinations for each sub flow with labels that refer to the position rank in each group (Group: "Operators" for the 2 of them, Group: "Destinations" with 2 available, Group: "Origins" with the 3 stations), but I can't call the right resource.
I tried creating labels for the child tokens in my sub flow, for example : LabelName: Operators, value: Group("Operators")[token.OperatorsNumber]. But an error apears
Operator" Sub Flow Name