
Aidan W avatar image
Aidan W asked Aidan W commented

Sub Flows not utilizing operators


In my current model my operators are not being used at the stations despite the Sub Flows acquiring a resource and the stations calling for the use of an operator during processing time. They are collecting the material and moving it as intended but won't operate on it. What did I do wrong?


FlexSim 21.1.2
operatorsflexsim 21.1.2subflowsub flowprocessing
temp.fsm (2.3 MiB)
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1 Answer

Jeanette F avatar image
Jeanette F answered Aidan W commented

Hello @Aidan W,

There were a few things you had set up incorrectly. For one the operators need one connection to the dispatcher that goes from the dispatcher to the operators. Next, your sub-flows do not need to acquire an operator. That has already happened by selecting use operator in the Queues' output. Next, your subflow controls an operator till the box has been processed and moved to its next queue, so you do not need to have the processors connected to the dispatcher and you do not need to select use operator.

I believe that was all I changed but here is your model for you to reference. SubFlow_JF.fsm

subflow-jf.fsm (281.1 KiB)
· 3
5 |100000

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