
CSN avatar image
CSN asked Joerg Vogel commented

The model crashes when recording a video


The software version is 2021.1.2. The same model can record video on the laptop, but when I click to record the video on the desktop computer, the model crashes. Delete the node that recorded the video, reset the recording and flash back again.

The desktop computer configuration is shown in the figure.

Hope to get your help, thank you.


FlexSim 21.1.2
flexsim 21.1.2video recordermodel crashesflexsim2021.1.2
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Ryan Clark avatar image
Ryan Clark answered

Hello @CSN,

The most current version of the software for your license is 21.1.5. Perhaps you can try updating to the latest version and seeing if that helps address any issues?

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CSN avatar image
CSN answered Joerg Vogel commented

Thank you for your answer, but now I have encountered a new problem: when using RTX mode for video recording, the whole process can not be recorded in RTX mode, but about half of the recording will return to not RTX mode. There is a solution to this problem. NS?

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