
ShabDz avatar image
ShabDz asked Jeff Nordgren answered

Issue with pull strategy at separator

Hi, in the attached model, the Queue7 should send batch of boxes (batch size=2) to the separators in a round robin fashion (first separator&2, then separator 3&4, etc.). However, the separators can accept boxes only when their following queue is empty.

I tried to implement this logic as a Pull Strategy in the separators by the following code:

However, after one round of operation the separators stop accepting boxes. I would appreciate any help.Thanks


FlexSim 17.0.13
separatorpull strategyobject status
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1 Answer

Jeff Nordgren avatar image
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Jeff Nordgren answered

@Amir About

Attached is your model with the changes that I've made to it.

Basically, here is how it works. If the two queues after the pair of separators BOTH have less than or 6 flowitems in them, then I open the input ports of the matching Separators. And the input port of the Separators are closed when the last flowitem (from the batch) exits the Separator. By doing this, both Separators of the same pair, request flowitems at the same time so the transporter will deliver its batch of 2 to those Separators.

Look at the model and see if this is what you had in mind. If not, please explain what needs to be changed.



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