
fan YT avatar image
fan YT asked fan YT commented

let customer walk through NetworkNode

Hello everyone, I'm new to FlexSim and I face some problems.

I have already created item and put them into the rack.

And the dilamma occur at the next step. I made some customer code in order to make my customer(TaskExcuterFlowItem) travel in the store and pick the item which in the rack.

However, my customer block in the queue and I don't know how to make them walk through the NetworkNode.


FlexSim (other - please specify)
FlexSim (other)
racktasksequencenetworknodetaskexecutor flowitem
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1 Answer

Joshua S avatar image
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Joshua S answered fan YT commented

This bit of code connects them to the node network dynamically

  1. reassignnetnode("CreatedPerson",model().find("NN1"));

For all you custom tasks, I would suggest working with process flow, it can help making custom tasks a lot simpler and easier to manage. I would suggest looking at the tutorials for process flow to get a good start.

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