
ShabDz avatar image
ShabDz asked Isaac Litster answered

How to fill the space between boxes on a conveyor with more boxes?


As you can see in the picture, Queue 1 put boxes on the conveyor in a side by side manner (using a Decision Point).

There are two problems with the attached:

1- Although there are boxes waiting in Queue 1 and there is space between boxes on the conveyor, Queue 1 cannot send more boxes to fully utilize the conveyor space.

2- Queue 2 cannot fill the space between brown boxes coming from Queue 1.

Any help to solve these issues is appreciated.


FlexSim 17.0.13
conveyorqueuedecision pointsconveyor systementrytransfer and exittransfer
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1 Answer

Isaac Litster avatar image
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Isaac Litster answered

Hi @ShabDz

Are you thinking of something like this?

Here's the model attached below. I used two conveyors and another conveyor object over the top.


· 1
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