
yoni A avatar image
yoni A asked yoni A commented

duniform in qty column at source

can you use a duniform in qty column of a source, so it generates random quantities of items , using the arrival schedule option?

FlexSim 18.2.2
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Abhishek K avatar image
Abhishek K answered Abhishek K edited

To do this, I generally use the schedule source in Process Flow followed by Create Object.

Using the create object, you can create flowitems in a queue and then connect it further.

I hope this helps you.


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David Chas avatar image
David Chas answered

Hi @yoni A

It is not possible to use uniform in qty column, because if you see the source tree you can check that the quantity node only is available to write a number (image attached).

But you can put a separator after the source in order to divide the items with an uniform distribution.

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