
Allen Greenwood avatar image
Allen Greenwood asked Phil BoBo edited

Cannot open MTBF-MTTR interface

I cannot open the GUI for any MTBF-MTTR in the attached model. I can edit the MTBF-MTTR parameters from the Tree, but in the case of one of the MTTRs, it is 0.00 and I want to add a code snippet.

Also, I want to use this model in 2018 Update 2 but is that possible due to the change in the MTBF-MTTR structure?


FlexSim 17.0.13
mtbfmttr interface
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1 Answer

Phil BoBo avatar image
Phil BoBo answered Phil BoBo edited

Change the guifocusclass attribute of your MTBFMTTR objects from

VIEW:/pages/MTBFMTTR Parameters


VIEW:/pages/tools/MTBFMTTR Parameters

"Also, I want to use this model in 2018 Update 2 but is that possible due to the change in the MTBF-MTTR structure?"

I don't understand this question. Is there a reason why you think this is not possible? Have you tried it?

"but in the case of one of the MTTRs, it is 0.00 and I want to add a code snippet."

It looks like the node MODEL:/Tools/MTBFMTTR/mm_BreakDowns>variables/mttr was explicitly given number data in the tree (probably by accident). You can fix this by clicking on it in the tree and pressing the T key to give it text (string) data.

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