
Scott Ainsworth avatar image
Scott Ainsworth asked Matthew Gillespie commented

Why does my integer variable not set from label?

I'm trying to process some tokens by case with a switch command that requires an integer.

I have some custom code that looks up a WType string in a table and assigns an WTypeVal label to the tokens. I want to use WTypeVal in the switch command. However, I seem to only get 0 assigned to the integer variable Wtype. I've tried a dozen variations with the same result. I've posted a pic of the model. It is difficult to post the whole model as there is client proprietary info in it.

As you can see the custom code is in a subprocess. The token in question has WTypeVal of 3. I only get Wtype of 0. I assigned 15 to Wtype just to prove it changes to 0.

It seems that Parent, Child relationship is a bit fuzzy going to a subprocess with custom code because many of the Label names do not show up in the pick list when entering code.

Any help is appreciated.



FlexSim 18.2.2
process flowlabelscoding
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1 Answer

Raja Sekaran avatar image
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Raja Sekaran answered Matthew Gillespie commented

@Scott Ainsworth

Since you are saying like "I have some custom code that looks up a WType string in a table and assigns a WTypeVal label to the tokens."

Make sure that you are getting the number type as a value in the label. If you are getting a label value as string type then you have to convert that into number type using toNum() or stringtonum() command.

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