
Laurenz Peleman avatar image
Laurenz Peleman asked Laurenz Peleman commented

Active Flexsim instances in tree structure

Hello everyone

Is it possible to find the active Flexsim instances on my pc in the tree structure of Flexsim? For example, if I have two different Flexsim models opened, is there a treenode with two subnodes, each referring to one of the instances? Or otherwise, can I refer by code to the second instance, from the first one?

Kind regards

Laurenz Peleman

tree structure
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1 Answer

Phil BoBo avatar image
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Phil BoBo answered Laurenz Peleman commented

When you open two FlexSim instances, they open as two separate application processes on your computer with two separate trees.

You cannot communicate from one FlexSim instance to another FlexSim instance any easier than you can communicate from FlexSim to any other non-FlexSim application.

What are you trying to do?

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