
Abdelillah AY avatar image
Abdelillah AY asked Clair A commented

Program different work flow


Fisrt, i want to thank you guys for helping my during my project.

I have a problem that is to model 3 different work flow with the same product and same machines; for exemple.

I have a product that has a probability to pass in 3 different process; Process "A" with 50% probability, Process "B" With 45% and Process "C" with 15% probabilité.

Now i have for exemple 2 machines and one source.

If the first product pass into process A. the processing time of machine 1 should be 100[T]; then it passes to a separator, it splits the product to 2 ...

An other product "in the same family" coming from the source if it has been picked to pass into process B. the processing time of machine 1 should be 50[T]; then it passes to separator it split the product to 3 ...

I hope you have got my point. thank you

FlexSim 18.2.2
process flowcodesimulationFloWorksc++ and user commands
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Joerg Vogel avatar image Joerg Vogel commented ·

@Abdelillah AY, I have totally no idea, why you need FloWorks for this task. Can you describe, where you need a people simulation for this task?

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Clair A avatar image Clair A commented ·

Don't hesitate to attach a model to your post, that would be very helpful for us to better understand your question. We could see what you have already built so far and where you are blocked.

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1 Answer

Joerg Vogel avatar image
1 Like"
Joerg Vogel answered

Is your probability the frequency the product become to be part of process A, then maybe B, then maybe C and finally not a Process at all and get deleted?

Then I would use a dempirical statistical distribution. For each different probability I use a single dempirical global table - 1st column the probability in percent, 2nd column the logical answer true or false as 1or 0.

Depending on the logical true in a conditional decide I make the product to be an item of the process type A, B, C or nothing at all inside the OnCreation trigger of the source

int itemAssigned = 1;
if(dempirical("globalTableProbabilityName",getstream(current) && itemAssigned)
  item.Process = "A";
  itemAssigned = 0;
  // assign additional labels like outgoing port, process times and splitting value to more labels
// next conditional decide to choose if the item becomes a B process type

If you choose later to use the switch - case structure you should think of to assign numbers instead of characters or strings as label values.

Otherwise if the sum of all probabilities is 100 then you use a switch -case structure directly with a single dempirical global table. The statistical dempirical distribution returns 1,2 or 3 from the second column of the global table.

  case 1:{
    // setting labels for process time, split value, ..
  case 2:{
    // setting labels for process time, split value, ..
  // and so on

Then you can use the label values to send the item to different output ports, set the process time or split the item in separators.

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