
gabi avatar image
gabi asked gabi commented

"wait for event" and "acquire/release resource" in code?

hi, this is context: i am making a model which has conveyors where maximum one carton could be onto one conveyor in any time. it is working correctly with 3 conveyors, but the process flow is already quite big (please see the picture). then before extending it to 40 conveyors, i am planning to convert the process flow to code as much as possible, in order to avoid to have a huge final process flow, difficult to debug/modify. just to give the context, the details of that are not relevant for this question.

to achieve this "conversion from process flow to code", my questions would be:

- how to capture/release a resource by using code?

- how to "wait for event" in code?


FlexSim 24.2.0
process flowcoderesourceseventscomplexity
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Logan Gold avatar image Logan Gold ♦♦ commented ·

Hi @gabi,

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1 Answer

Adam C avatar image
Adam C answered gabi commented

Process flow might still be a good solution. It looks like your activity blocks for the 3 spots are fairly similar. Try using an object process flow and attach your decision points to it so it runs the same logic for all of them. Any info that is different you can handle with labels / port connections on the decision points.

Or if the logic has to daisy chain some information from previous DPs, you could use sub flow process flows instead of object process flows.

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gabi avatar image gabi commented ·
thanks, i will try as you say
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