
Steven P2 avatar image
Steven P2 asked Phil BoBo commented

Imported AutoCAD layout disappears when I zoom in

I have successfully imported a layout from AutoCAD and properly scaled and positioned it. However, when I zoom in to the layout it disappears from view. I don't think this is the OpenGL issue as the layout is visible when I pull back. I understand that FlexSim reduces detail when you zoom out, but this is the opposite problem.

FlexSim 18.1.1
autocad backgroundautocad importautocad layout importautocad file not visible
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1 Answer

Phil BoBo avatar image
Phil BoBo answered Phil BoBo commented

The object scale factors affect the view culling of the DWG renderer.

If you change your background object so that it is scaled uniformly (change the X, Y, and Z sizes to all be the same value), then the drawing should stop clipping inappropriately when you rotate or zoom the view.

If you need non-uniform scaling, rescale the drawing in AutoCAD.

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