
Enrique Elizaga avatar image
Enrique Elizaga asked Manuel Sinco commented

create a Global Table in flexscript

Is it possible to create new tables inside part of a code. Then to destroy in another code. The number of tables created will depend on an integer in a label called "DAYS TO RUN". I want to have data per day on each table. I tried insertcopy but didn't work.

FlexSim 18.2.2
global tableflexscript
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Steven Hamoen avatar image
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Steven Hamoen answered Manuel Sinco commented

@Enrique Elizaga If I want to do something like this I look through the tree to find how FlexSim did it. In this case there is actually an application command for it:

  1. treenode table = applicationcommand("addglobaltable");
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Joerg Vogel avatar image
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Joerg Vogel answered Enrique Elizaga commented

Try this

  1. treenode globalTablesNode = model().find("Tools/GlobalTables");
  2. treenode newTable = createcopy(globalTablesNode.first,globalTablesNode,0);
  3. = "myNewTable";

It copies the first global table of the global tables.

If you know the name of the table for example "MyKnownTableName"

  1. globalTablesNode.subnodes["MyKnownTableName"]

is the reference to this table object.

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