
Enrique Elizaga avatar image
Enrique Elizaga asked Mischa Spelt commented

is there a way to attach an object as a process flow instance in flexscript?

Hi, when i add an object from a custom user library I want to add it to a process flow Attached Objects. I can do that on reset by checking the object class. Is there a way to this to in a flexscript block to avoid the manual task?

FlexSim 18.2.2
process flow instanceautomate a task
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1 Answer

Matthew Gillespie avatar image
Matthew Gillespie answered Mischa Spelt commented

21.2 Update:

There's now a ProcessFlows property that can be used with the Object.setProperty() method.

  1. obj.setProperty("ProcessFlows", "ObjectFlow"); // Attach obj by name reference
  2. obj.setProperty("ProcessFlows", processFlow); // Attach obj by node reference

*Note that this method will detach the object from any other flows it may be attached to that aren't passed into the setProperty method.

You can attach the object to multiple flows by passing in an array:

  1. obj.setProperty("ProcessFlows", ["ObjectFlow", "ObjectFlow2"]);

You can also pass a null value to detach the object from all flows:

  1. obj.setProperty("ProcessFlows", 0);

Original Answer:

  1. function_s(processFlow, "attachObject", obj)

where processFlow is a pointer to your process flow object and obj is the object you want to attach.

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