
Steven Chen avatar image
Steven Chen asked Patrick Cloutier commented

Stacking rule of rack


I have one question and one wish about rack.

My question is how to pull items from rack only if desired amount of item is stored in rack. For example, a combiner is collecting 5 type-A items and 3 type-B items. The rack won't release items until all the 8 items are arrived at rack.

In attached model, I build a rack stacking logic using processflow and list. There are two types of items, type-A goes level 1~4, type-B goes level 5~10 and places at bay by order. I found it is easier to build logic with processflow and with the power of list. But it's hard to reuse the processflow code, because the general processflow links to queue1 and rack1 directly. I hope there will be a new event for rack like "OnChoosingCell" and the event function returns bay and level for incoming item to tell it where to place, if there is no proper cell for the item then the item should hold at upstream. So I can use the new event in fixed-resource processflow in order to reuse the logic.


FlexSim 18.2.0
FlexSim 18.2.2
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1 Answer

Patrick Cloutier avatar image
Patrick Cloutier answered Patrick Cloutier commented

I seem to understand that you want to have many queues and many racks. If so, you could make the ProcessFlow more generic by listening to a group of queues instead of just queue1 (in Item Enter Queue1). And also, at the bottom of Item Enter Queue assign the name of the entering queue to a label with Assign Event Object to. You could also, at the same place, assign the name of the destination rack to a label.

Then you will need to have a field in your list which specifies which rack you want to pull from when you Pull From List. I'm honestly not too familiar with this part though.

Also, about your need for a "OnChoosingCell" trigger, you could put this logic either in the TriggerOnExit of the preceeding Queue or in the PlaceInBay/PlaceInLevel code of the rack itself.

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