
Mohamed Roushdy avatar image
Mohamed Roushdy asked Mohamed Roushdy commented

could I change the item type when using Separator after process finish?

I have a sheet-metal part processed in a punching machine to produce several parts. the case is that I've a single item(Sheet) entering a separator to produce several parts (punched products) based on the program loaded. is there a way to change item type for each processed part after process finish (not on exit) so that i will be able to send each part to its required destination.

I've attached a simple model to illustrate my problem


FlexSim 18.2.2
separtor.fsm (27.5 KiB)
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1 Answer

Aravind D avatar image
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Aravind D answered Mohamed Roushdy commented

Hi, @Mohamed R3

i have attached a simple sample model where the item type have been changed after process finish and placed a queue after that. from there sending the item type wherever needed

hope this is helpful


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