
David VC avatar image
David VC asked tannerp edited

How can I count "unique" collisions


I have following problem:

I have operators which can collide. Now I want to count the number of unique collisions. For example when the operators are loading at the same queue the Collision trigger Will fire several times, but in reality I want to count this as 1 Collision. Is there are a (simple) solution for this problem?

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1 Answer

Phil BoBo avatar image
Phil BoBo answered Gabriel Morgante commented

The objects that can collide have a variable that stores whether they are currently in a collision. This variable is 0 when the collision first occurs. You can use this variable to only increment your counter at the beginning of each collision. Something like this:

double prevcollision = getvarnum(thisobject,"incollision");
if (prevcollision == 0)

The "turn to the left" pick option in the Handle Collision trigger shows an example of using this variable.

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Gabriel Morgante avatar image Gabriel Morgante commented ·


I am new to FlexSim so forgive me if this is a stupid question but how would I implement this code you shared?

I have 3 cranes working in the same frame on my model and I need to count their "unique" collisions as David said. So where should I implement this code so I can create the collision counter on a dashboard?

Thank you!

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Phil BoBo avatar image Phil BoBo ♦♦ Gabriel Morgante commented ·

You put the code into the Handle Collision trigger:

Here's a model showing that code implemented in that trigger. countcranecollisions.fsm

It also shows a Model Documentation dashboard widget that displays the current count on the label.

It also has a Statistics Collector that shows how you can record those values over time and plot them onto a line graph in the dashboard.

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Gabriel Morgante avatar image Gabriel Morgante Phil BoBo ♦♦ commented ·

Phill, my poor english isnt' enough to express how much I thank you... You are the MVP!

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