
Paula D avatar image
Paula D asked Jordan Johnson commented

How to calculate utilization or any state from a zone partition calculation?

Hi! the thing is that I want to know how to collect any state (better if utilization) from a processor but with a zone partition. This means I want to know, for example, the utilization of a processor, but divided in the different items that process that processor.


here in the picture is an example from the current content that the processor1 had processed with partitions of the different item types. What I don't know how to do is to collect the different states (including utilization) of that processor but with the same partitions.


*Please I will appreciate if the answer is sent with an example model, that the model will be in Flexsim Version 2018.

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FlexSim 18.1.1
processorstatesutilizationitem typezone partition
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1 Answer

Jordan Johnson avatar image
Jordan Johnson answered Jordan Johnson commented

Here is the chart that I made:

It shows utilized time broken up by type. It also shows the un-utilized time. You can hover over each section to see what percent of time is spent on each item type.

I made this chart by listening to the state changes, as well as item entry and exits. Whenever the an item enters or exits, or whevenever the state changes, I check to see if the processor

  1. is in a utilized state, and
  2. has an item

I created a categorical tracked variable on a label on a token. Categorical tracked variables are basically custom state profiles. So if both the above things are true, I put this custom state profile into the correct state.

This approach will not work under two circumstances:

  1. The processor's max capacity is > 1. If this happens, its utilization would count towards all types on the processor, which this approach doesn't handle.
  2. The processor goes in to a state that counts as utilized, but there is no item. In that case, the chart above would record un-utilized time.


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