
Fernando Q3 avatar image
Fernando Q3 asked Ben Wilson edited

How to get Time in System statistic (all replications) by PFM?

Hi, I am just trying to obtain in one report all replication values of the statistic "Time In System" of flowitems by using experimenter (performance measures, PFM). I figured out that PFM are only related with objects but not flowitems. I also tried with the composite time in dashboard and I can see the average of each replication but it does not report all of them in a whole report. I also tried to export dashboard statistics to Excel but it does not work out. Any help? thks !!!!

FlexSim 18.1.2
time in system
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5 |100000

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Joshua S avatar image Joshua S commented ·

What are you using to create that "Time in System" statistic?

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Fernando Q3 avatar image Fernando Q3 commented ·

Hi Joshua, Time in System is already a tracked variable, but based on my experience in other simulation software, that statistic is coming by default in entities sumaries or reports generated. However, in Flexsim, it has not been easy to me to find out its replications values.

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1 Answer

Jordan Johnson avatar image
Jordan Johnson answered Ben Wilson edited

First, you need to make a Performance Measure that records the value of the TrackedVariable:


I left the name of the Performance Measure "PFM1".

Then, run an experiment. After that, you can add a Calculated Table that has the following query:

FROM Experiment.PerformanceMeasures
GROUP BY Scenario

In the attached model, I did so, and added a chart that points at that table.


The query above averages the value per scenario. To see all Performance Measures for all replications, you can use this query:

FROM Experiment.PerformanceMeasures

· 2
5 |100000

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Fernando Q4 avatar image Fernando Q4 commented ·

Hi, Jordan ....thanks for your previous help. ¿Can you help me now when I need to get the time in system by each item type?

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Ben Wilson avatar image Ben Wilson ♦♦ Fernando Q4 commented ·

Hi @Fernando Q4,

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When an existing question already has an accepted answer, rather than tacking on an additional question months later, please post a new question instead.

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