
Matthew A2 avatar image
Matthew A2 asked Logan Gold answered

Turn off bundle mode for table using FlexScript

How can we "turn off" bundle mode with FlexScript? I am bundling data on model start (referencing this question but would like to remove the bundle on model reset in order to completely reset the table. Thank you in advance!

FlexSim 19.0.0
custom codetablesbundle
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1 Answer

Logan Gold avatar image
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Logan Gold answered

You can use the same code that Phil mentioned in the linked post, except in the line that uses nodeadddata, you'll use DATATYPE_SIMPLE instead of DATATYPE_BUNDLE:

  1. treenode data = Table("GlobalTable1");
  2. treenode newData = nodeinsertafter(data);
  3. setname(newData, getname(data));
  4. nodeadddata(newData, DATATYPE_SIMPLE);
  6. destroyobject(data);
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