
jyothi N avatar image
jyothi N asked jyothi N commented

Event triggered Source

When my queue at cell reached to certain number of parts(low limit in the part table)it has to trigger the source at ware house.Source at ware house generate the parts count as high limit form the parts table and send it to the respective queues at ware house.I was trying to do this but i face problem with it

FlexSim 18.1.2
event triggered source
model.fsm (31.3 KiB)
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jyothi N avatar image jyothi N commented ·

In attached model Queue1 at cell having 100 parts,when it reaches to 80 parts Queue1 triggers to Queue1_WH then Queue1_WH hs to produces 100 parts then task executer will carry that 100 parts from Queue1_WH to Queue1.Could you please help on it .

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replinshment2.fsm (24.8 KiB)
Raja Sekaran avatar image
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Raja Sekaran answered Raja Sekaran commented
@jyothi N

I have made changes and reattached your model (v18.2.2).


Hope this helps


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jyothi N2 avatar image jyothi N2 commented ·

That was not correct solution for my problem .in your model the parts automatically replinshed directly in queues located at the cell .But the parts has to generate at the WH then the transporter will carry it to the Queues at the cell

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Raja Sekaran avatar image Raja Sekaran jyothi N2 commented ·

@jyothi N

Attached the model with the changes. Please look into it and let us know if this works.



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Sri J avatar image
Sri J answered jyothi N commented


Look at the attached model. Hope this helps.replenishment-strategy.fsm

capture.jpg (159.1 KiB)
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jyothi N avatar image jyothi N commented ·

Thank you

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