
Adam C avatar image
Adam C asked Jeff Nordgren converted comment to answer

Find Object from XYZ Location

Is there a method to get an object reference to something located at or nearest a set of location coordinates? I am working on a model that will receive live data (locations, states, etc.) from the real system and be used for short term predictive planning. More specifically, to determine the bullwhip effect of events as they might flow through the system. The location data is not mapped to FlexSim object names, and I need a method to prime the system with flowitems to approximately the correct location.

How could I search for an object using coordinates? The model is mostly linked conveyor sections. Once I have a reference, the distAlong node can be changed to input objects at the correct location on the conveyor. The example model below will insert items along the length of the first conveyor section, but I am having difficulty inserting things further down the system.

Another possible method is to force the items through the system instantaneously until everything is at its prime location when the model starts, if that is more easily accomplished.


FlexSim 19.0.2
conveyor systemfindobject referencingcoordinate system
conveyorinsert.fsm (34.0 KiB)
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1 Answer

Joerg Vogel avatar image
Joerg Vogel answered

@Adam C, You can search objects by coordinates like you would search objects in reality. You identify all objects. Then you get their coordinates and you compare them. You can push all objects onto a global list and let evaluate a dynamic field the distance to a puller of the list where the distance is a minimal value.

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