
Adam J avatar image
Adam J asked Braydn T converted comment to answer


How can I control the quantity of items sent from a queue to two objects ( they could be queues) in way that before each delivery the quantities that have been sent previously are compared to each other. If there's huge difference between them ( triple for example) I will rebalance the quantities the queue will send so that I make sure the object having recieved the smaller quantity will receive in this time the greatest one as compared the other object and so on.

FlexSim 18.0.8
queue contentqueue strategy
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1 Answer

tannerp avatar image
tannerp answered

Seconding what @sebastian.hemmann said, I would recommend building an example of the setup you would like and then attaching it so we have more to work with. Once you've done that, we can try and develop some Process Flow logic that could accomplish this. I think I understand what you're saying, but there's just not enough defined in this paragraph for us to go ahead and build an example.

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