
Marco Casavecchia avatar image
Marco Casavecchia asked Shawn Murty edited

I don't understand my experimenter results


I am running an experiment with 1 Variable and 2 scenarios:

variable: /Processor_1>variables/maxcontent

Scenario 1 : /Processor_1>variables/maxcontent = 0

Scenario 2 : /Processor_1>variables/maxcontent = 3

I get the exact same output in both scenarios.

Which is impossible because when Scenario 1 runs, I should get 0 as output.

Also, what is the variable name for cycletime (Process time in the processor Properties). I would like to make an experiment with a scenario with a faster process time.



FlexSim 17.2.5
processorvariablesscenarioexperimenter variable
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Irene RR avatar image Irene RR commented ·

Hi, could you upload this model?

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Shawn Murty avatar image Shawn Murty Irene RR commented ·

@Irene RR

Example attached.

Highlighted section is what shows when you use the model outside the experimenter.

Experimenter needs 'Measures' to compare scenarios. You will see i just wanted to view the input value of Sink1

Here are the results


Best of luck,


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1 Answer

Shawn Murty avatar image
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Shawn Murty answered Marco Casavecchia commented

run scenario 1 as your default scenario to watch it run. It seems when you make max content 0 it removes the variable allowing the max content to be infinite. You can see this if you increase your source enough to where you would receive multiple units during the process time.

I agree that there is no variable for the process time in that table, but there are plenty of other ways to associate a time for the processor. in the pictures below i made a number label right inside the processor called Process_Time (i changed the name after the 1st picture was taken). Then you can call that out in the process time area. "current.Process_Time" > > grab the label on the current resource to grab its information for processing. Then, in the experimenter i chose the object label for a variable (instead of object variable).

Again, there are PLENTY of option to choose for editing the process time in the experimenter.

I hope this helps.

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Marco Casavecchia avatar image Marco Casavecchia commented ·

@Shawn Murty,

Thank you very much!! this is an amazing solution, super simple and works exactly as intended. I was able to see that with shorter process time, I get more output (common sense, but important to make sure that my experiments are accurate).

Additionally, I am trying to vary the number of operators available in one dispatcher, can I use labels to do that also?

Basically, I have Dispatcher_A, B and C and I would like to vary how many Operators are available in Dispatcher_A while keeping B and C constant.



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Shawn Murty avatar image Shawn Murty Marco Casavecchia commented ·

put the operator in a group that you want to scale. you can vary the size of the group in the experimenter. you'll notice upon reset of the experimenter that new operators pop up based on your variable in the experimenter. I just started using this concept myself recently (in addtion to turning shifts of people on and off).

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Shawn Murty avatar image Shawn Murty Shawn Murty commented ·

just don't make the group size zero.

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