
Cayo E avatar image
Cayo E asked Jeff Nordgren converted comment to answer

Item Type

I need to set up the creation of ItemType, in my process there are 3 independent lines (03 different products) however each one works at once. When I'm running ItemType 1 the other production lines need to be idle. I need to set up a production that ItemType1 is 75%, 2 is 20% and 3 is 5%. Is the table created incorrect? Please help me.

FlexSim 19.0.2
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1 Answer

Jeff Nordgren avatar image
Jeff Nordgren answered

@Cayo E,

Attached is your model with the changes that I've made. I'm hoping that I understand what you are wanting. The way I did it is there is only one flowitem type that processes at a time. Is that correct?

In the attached model I added a queue after the source. That is so I can compare the next item type (in the queue) than needs to process.

I changed the OnEntry triggers for each of the first three processors. I added code in the OnExit trigger of the 6 processors before the sink. That is where I do the comparison with the next flowitem that is going to process. If all current flowitem types have been processed, I open all the input ports of the first three processors. If it's not the same item type, then I open the processor for that item type and close the other two processors.

If this is not what you are looking for, please add more detailed information so that we can get it working the way you want.



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